RPI Contacts
Northern Harrier Image by Dave Brandes
Dave Oleyar, Ph.D.
Director of Long-term Monitoring & Community Service
Hawkwatch International
2240 South 900 East, Salt Lake City, Utah 84106
Tel: 801-484-6808 Email: doleyar@hawkwatch.org
Laurie J. Goodrich, Ph.D.
Sarkis Acopian Director of Conservation Science
Acopian Center for Conservation Learning
Hawk Mountain Sanctuary Association
410 Summer Valley Road, Orwigsburg, Pennsylvania 17961
Tel: 570-943-3411, ext. 106 Email: goodrich@hawkmtn.org
David Brandes, Ph.D.
Professor of Civil & Environmental Engineering and Chair of the Integrative Engineering Program
516 Acopian Engineering Center
Lafayette College, Easton, PA 18042
Tel: 610-330-5441 Email: brandesd@lafayette.edu
Danielle Ethier, Ph.D.
Bird Population Scientist
Birds Canada / Oiseaux Canada
P.O. Box 160, Port Rowan, ON, Canada N0E 1M0
Tel: 519-586-3531, ext. 115 Email: dethier@birdscanada.org
Denis Lepage
Senior Director, Data Science and Technology
Birds Canada / Oiseaux Canada
P.O. Box 160, Port Rowan ON, Canada N0E 1M0
Tel: 519-586-3531, ext. 155 Email:dlepage@bsc-eoc.org
Julie Brown
Raptor Migration and Programs Director
Hawk Migration Association (HMA)
PO Box 183, Hancock, NH 03449
Tel: (781) 264-0778 Email: brown@hawkmigration.org
Jason Sodergren
HawkCount Database Manager
Hawk Migration Association (HMA)
1660 Eagle View Drive, Homer, Alaska 99603
Tel: (907) 399-2330 Email: jason@taiga.com
The RPI Team Steering Committee
- David Oleyar, HWI, Co-Chair
- Laurie Goodrich, HMS, Co-Chair
- David Brandes, HMA
- Denis Lepage, BC
- Danielle Ethier, BC
- Julie Brown, HMA
- Jason Sodergren, HMA