Zone-tailed Hawk
(Buteo albonotatus)
Zone-tailed Hawk Image by Don Bryant
The 10-year migration count trends for Zone-tailed Hawks suggest stable populations across its range as the two autumn count sites in Cardel and Chichicaxtle, Veracruz, reported statistically significant stable counts during this span and Cardel reported the observation of 3,192 individuals a season on average. (see pie charts and trend maps below). Twenty-year count trends (not shown) also reflect a stable and increased population (Gulf Region: 1 stable, 1 increase).
Winter survey data from the Christmas Bird Count (CBC) show increased 10-year trends range-wide with the annual percent change in population reported to be an increase of almost 5%. The Zone-tailed Hawk is a species of Least Concern, designated by the IUCN red list. It is listed as Threatened in Texas and is considered a sensitive species in the United States due to loss of suitable riparian nesting habitats and its rarity in the country. The United States population should be closely monitored due to its location in the upper periphery of the species range.